When donning PPE, the following steps should be taken:
Perform hand hygiene
Put on gown
Put on mask/respirator
Put on eye protection
Put on gloves
Note: elements to be donned vary by situation, but donning order never changes
- Donning should always occur at a safe distance of the patient (at least 2 metres)
When doffing PPE, equipment is removed in the following order:
Remove and dispose of gloves
Perform hand hygiene
Remove gown and dispose or place in appropriate receptacle for disinfection
Perform hand hygiene
Remove eye protection
Perform hand hygiene
Remove and dispose mask/respirator
Perform hand hygiene
Note: elements to be doffed vary by situation, but the order of removal never changes
- Doffing should always be performed with extreme care: avoid touching the outer surfaces of your PPE
- Complete doffing should occur after attending to patients under contact and droplet precautions
- Eye protection must be disinfected after each use
- If you have questions about proper PPE use during your clinical placement, ask your preceptor