00 Overview 01 Background 02 Exposure Control
03 PPE: When &
       Where to Use
04 PPE: How to Use 05 Additional Safety
06 Beyond PPE 07 Resources


As you enter your clinical placements, knowledge of health & safety measures helps ensure not only your own safety, but that of your colleagues, your patients, and the community around you. This module will prepare you to safely learn and participate in a clinical placement.

This course will also cover current infection prevention and exposure control measures that help create a safe environment for health care providers (HCPs) and patients.1

The information in this module is aligned with provincial guidelines and UBC’s Communicable Disease Prevention Framework.2

  1. Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia (PICNet). Provincial Infection Prevention and Control Guidance for Viral Respiratory Illness in Acute Care and Ambulatory Health Care Settings. https://picnet.ca/wp-content/uploads/APPROVED-Provincial-IPC-Guidance-for-VRI-in-Acute-and-Ambulatory-Health-care-Settings-Jan-14-2025.pdf.
  2. UBC Safety & Risk Services, Communicable Disease Prevention Framework. https://srs.ubc.ca/health-safety/safety-programs/communicable-disease-prevention-framework/.