00 Overview 01 Background 02 Exposure Control
03 PPE: When &
       Where to Use
04 PPE: How to Use 05 Additional Safety
06 Beyond PPE 07 Resources


Donning is the process of putting on PPE equipment. Proper donning of PPE should be practiced prior to the treatment of any patients1 for which PPE is deemed necessary. Donning entails a series of steps that must be performed in a specific order and with care to prevent unnecessary exposure to infectious agents during interactions with patients. The process should always occur at a safe distance of the patient.

Depending on the PPE elements to be donned, the steps involved may vary; however, the order of steps never changes.

How to Don PPE for Contact and Droplet Precautions2

hand hygiene medical gown surgical mask medical goggles medical gloves

Perform hand hygieneTechnique tip:
Be sure to clean all surfaces of hands and wrists2 for at least 20 seconds

Put on gownTechnique tip:
Tie the gown tightly to limit neck exposure

Put on mask
must completely cover chin2

Put on eye protection

Put on glovesTechnique tip:
Pull/hold the cuffs of your gown while putting on gloves to prevent arms, wrist, or hand exposure

must cover cuffs (wrists) of gown2

  The same order of steps is used when donning PPE for scenarios without contact and droplet precautions; however, there will be fewer PPE elements to put on.
  1. Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia (PICNet). Provincial Infection Prevention and Control Guidance for Viral Respiratory Illness in Acute Care and Ambulatory Health Care Settings in British Columbia. https://picnet.ca/wp-content/uploads/APPROVED-Provincial-IPC-Guidance-for-VRI-in-Acute-and-Ambulatory-Health-care-Settings-Jan-14-2025.pdf.
  2. Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia (PICNet). How to don PPE. 2024. https://picnet.ca/wp-content/uploads/How-to-don-PPE_8-5x11_v7_2024-01-08.pdf.