00 Overview 01 Background 02 Exposure Control
03 PPE: When &
       Where to Use
04 PPE: How to Use 05 Additional Safety
06 Beyond PPE 07 Resources

Introduction to Personal Protective Equipment

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is equipment or clothing worn by workers to help protect them from workplace hazards.1 PPE is considered a less protective infection prevention and exposure control measure because although the use of PPE is the most visible in the hierarchy of controls, it is effective only when used in conjunction with all the other control measures.2

As an infection prevention and exposure control measure, PPE has both benefits and limitations:

  • protects wearer from infection (when utilized properly and in conjunction with other control measures)
  • can expose users to infectious agents (when used incorrectly)
  • subject to user error
  • can contaminate the environment if not disposed of correctly
  • not effective as a stand-alone preventative measure2
  • over-reliance may result in false sense of security
  1. Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia (PICNet). Personal Protective Equipment. https://picnet.ca/guidelines/personal-protective-equipment/.
  2. Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia (PICNet). Hierarchy of Controls for Infection Prevention and Exposure Measures for Communicable Diseases. https://picnet.ca/wp-content/uploads/2024_11_22_Hierarchy-of-Controls_IPC_Final.pdf.